PhD offer on the optimization of the High Rate Algae Pond (HRAP) technology for wastewater treatment.
Subject: Modeling and optimisation of sustainable wastewater treatments processes based on microalgae.
Scientific area: Bioprocess engineering
Supervisors: Jeremy Pruvost (PR, GEPEA, France), Howard Fallowfield (PR, Flinders University, Australia), Mariana TITICA (Dr, GEPEA, France), Guillaume COGNE (Dr, GEPEA, France)
Laboratories/Institutions :
– GEPEA UMR CNRS 6144 (équipe BAM) (www.gepea.fr), Algosolis R&D facility (www.algosolis.com)
– College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University
Universities: Université de Nantes (France), Flinders University (Australia)
Doctorale School : SPI (https://ed-spi.doctorat-bretagneloire.fr/)
Funding: Cotutelle between French and Australian institutes
The aim of the PhD is to use the complimentary skills of Pr. Fallowfield (College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University) and GEPEA lab (Nantes Université, France) to achieve wider global adoption of HRAP technology through development of a rational, integrated hydraulic, process design based upon a better understanding of the interaction between climate and wastewater treatment bioprocesses. The outcome will support the attainment of nutrient & pathogen removal from wastewater for beneficial reuse, and microalgal biomass production for valorisation e.g. bio-fertilisers and bioactive molecules exploitation by agriculture.
The main highlights are:
- Experimental investigations related to the study of algal / bacteria interactions coupling in-situ gas measurements and carbon cycle.
- Detailed predictive models encompassing organic-inorganic carbon internal fluxes mediated by bacterial respiration for algal photosynthesis, oxygen and biomass production by microalgae, diurnal DO and pH changes in wastewater HRAPs.
- Advanced control strategies (i.e. software sensors to predict unmeasured data), but also provide a better understanding of complex biological interactions and their relation to environmental operational conditions.
- Combination to oxidation process for intensifying organic pollutant & bacterial load removal.
- Valorisation routes for wastewater grown biomass, i.e. fertiliser, bioactive compounds for agriculture and biomass for energy production (CH4), and treated water.
The research activity will be carried-out within the framework of a doctoral thesis conducted in both France and Australia.
Main skills: Bioprocesses, microalgae, HRAP, Modeling, Waste water treatment
Online submission (deadline 24th April 2020): https://theses.u-bretagneloire.fr/spi/cde-theses-2020/
Contact: jeremy.pruvost@univ-nantes.fr ; howard.fallowfield@flinders.edu.au