The University of Nantes in the TOP 12 of global research on microalgae
The Laboratory of Process Engineering-Environment-Agro-Food (GEPEA – University of Nantes / CNRS / Oniris / IMT Atlantique) is part of the top 12 of the global research on microalgae according to the reference scientific journal “Algal Research”. Recognition of the know-how and expertise of researchers on this theme, supported in recent years by the use of the AlgoSolis R&D facility.
The ranking published by the journal Algal Research (Volume 35 – November 2018) is based on the number of scientific publications over the period 1970-2017, namely 22 000 articles published in scientific journals and reference works on microalgae. According to this same ranking, French research ranks fourth behind the United States, China and Spain, thanks in particular to the strong activity of the CNRS in this field.
A territorial dynamics
This ranking is a recognition for the GEPEA laboratory, which has been involved for almost 35 years in the field of process engineering and bioprocesses applied to microalgae and their recovery. Within the territory, the laboratory is today a leader on these questions of research and valorization which touch at the same time scientific, societal and industrial issues.
Alongside the GEPEA, several laboratories and federative structures of the University of Nantes participate in this territorial dynamic around the subject (LEMNA, CEISAM, LPG, GeM, Osuna, IUML, …), and more particularly the laboratory Mer, Molecules, Santé (MMS), a historical partner of GEPEA, recognized for its expertise in ecophysiology, environment, shellfish farming. The subsidiary of the University of Nantes Capacités – which accompanies this rise in power of the microalgae sector on the territory – is also a driving force of the dynamics.